
Valverán 20 Manzanas, best ice cider in the Nava Cider Festival 2023

Jul 10, 2023 | Valverán Cider Mills

The Best New Expression Ciders and apple by-products contest at the Nava Cider Festival 2023 has selected that Valverán 20 Manzanas Ice Cider 2021, as the best ice cider. For the fifth year running, Valverán ice cider, made by Masaveu Bodegas in their cider mill in Sariego, cc was awarded the top prize in the ice cider category at a blind tasting in which 42 different ciders participated.

Last weekend, the village of Nava celebrated the 46th edition of their Cider Festival, declared Festival of National Tourist Interest. This celebration began in 1969 to pay tribute to the region’s traditional drink and to showcase the production and quality of these products.

Valverán 20 Manzanas has been awarded prizes in several highly prestigious National and International Competitions such as Global Cider Masters, World Cider Awards, Gilbert & Gaillard, International hall of Gala Ciders, CINVE and Great Lakes International Cider & Perry Competition.

Valverán 20 Manzanas Ice Cider

Valverán was founded in 1998 however, this ice cider, the first and most exclusive ice cider on the Iberian Peninsula, didn’t emerge until 2007. The name Valverán 20 manzanas comes from the number of apples required to make each 37.5 cl. bottle, given that it contains the concentrated juice of a minimum of 20 apples.

This drink is achieved after a complex process of freezing at minus 20 degrees, fermentation for 10 months and aging on fine lees for 12 months. The complete process takes around two years from when the apples are collected until the bottle reaches the final consumer maintaining its initial fruit and sensorial qualities.

Sidra De Hielo Valveran

In order to achieve this exclusive and prized product, the visionary nature of José Masaveu, general manager of Masaveu Family Wineries, was essential. This cider is his most personal project, involving almost 10 years of trials and tests. Of the five projects in Masaveu Bodegas, this is the only one that originates in their homeland of Asturias.

Today, 40 hectares of land, certified as organic and situated in the Protected Designation of Origin Cider from Asturias, on the El Rebollar Estate in Sariego (Asturias), with 20,000 apple trees growing 11 different varietals (Blanquina, Xuanina, Regona, Raxao, Fuentes, Collaos, De la Riega, Verdialona, Perico, Durona de Tresali and San Roqueña) make 20,000 limited edition bottles of this distinguished, nuanced ice cider. This fresh and surprising drink pairs perfectly with foie, cheeses and not very sweet desserts.

Buy in the Masaveu Bodegas online shop or click here.

Masaveu Bodegas

The Masaveu family first invested in the wine sector in 1974, when they purchased the Murua winery, however the family’s first vineyards date back to the middle of the 19th century, in Castellar del Vallés, where the family originates from and where Federico Masaveu Rivell began a journey to be continued one century later by his descendants.

Since then, Masaveu Bodegas has grown to become a reference in the sector, due to the quality of their winemaking in several DO´s and their sustainable philosophy and utmost respect for the land in their estate owned vineyards, thanks to which they transmit the unique personality of each terroir in every bottle. This being the common denominator in each and every project initiated by Bodegas Masaveu in different parts of the country: Fillaboa (DO Rias Baixas), Leda (Wine from the Land of Castilla y León) Murua (DOCa Rioja) Pagos de Aráiz (DO Navarra), and Valverán (Asturias).

masaveu bodegas